High quality and reliable images from even the most demanding and intricate data sets

PGDE Company is eminent for handling complex geology and tough statics areas. Our processing group is experienced in imaging data from all types of geologic regions and is accountable to attain quality results from even the most challenging data sets. We have a state of the art team of processors that punctually images your objectives.

We are akin to collaborate with you to reach to your expectations in realms of the workflows, timeliness and so forth.

Our teams of experienced and state-of-the art experts are involved at :

  • Processing and interpreting 2D and 3D onshore seismic data
  • Processing and interpreting sundry offshore seismic data
  • Processing and interpreting multi-component 2D and 3D land seismic data
  • Anisotropy processing and imaging (PSTM,PSDM,APSTM,APSDM)